Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Something new in Life.....

Life has been changed from last couple of days. It seems to live now. I count a smidgen of every second.
Day starts in getting his one glimpse and ends in the waiting for the next day.

Nicely dress up, try to be in office before timings, waiting for HIM to reach in office and when he comes enact HIM to show that I am the busiest person on the earth, wait for HIM over the Lunch so that I can get more about HIM, and visit to his friend again and again with my problems (even I don’t what’s the problem?) as he sits nearby HIM, attend every office party just to be friendly with HIM, to leave the office at the same time so that we can go in same lift atlesast. Even this is not enough, now days holidays are hell to me. I just want to spend as much as time in office. After leaving the office, I always try to find out the ways to speak with HIM. I have found new symptoms in me also- smiling at all the time, to see myself in the mirror in every 10 minutes to check my lipstick, spray a tonne of perfume everyday. I don’t know what’s happening with me. Is it ….????