Monday, April 28, 2008


OMG! I am fed up with remembering user id and passwords of g-mail, Rediffmail, Yahoo, SAP Ids, System’s Password, Orkut, PVR Booking user id and passwords, user id and password, Net banking’s id and password, Demat account ids and passwords, ATMs password, Credit Card’s pin no and passoword, Matrimonial’s user id and password and most irony is that some of the ids require changing in the password in every 15 days and some userids are like PS15QXY. They are so hard to remember.

Last time, I was booking tickets in PVR and I could not recollect my password and when i got the passoword, all the tickets were sold and the same happened when I could not log in into my D-mat account and after 3 trials my password was locked. The Poor girl has to wait for another 2 days to activate the same and this is not enough I always forget my SAP ids’s passwords due to 3-4 consecutive holidays and after the holidays, when its time to get back to work, I always fill the password on the basis of hit and trial method.
But when I have found solution of this problem, I have made a file in my PC and to protect it from Peeping Toms, File was again asking for the PASSWORD :-Q


Chakoli said...


Read a similar post...on some other blog looooong back...
where he narrated...hw tough it is to remeber password:_)))

You shud one thing...every morning...take 5 mins...and revise all ur paswds:-)))

jus kidding...:_))

Kuttibalu said...

let me know. i can remember and let you know whenever you forget :D

me no kidding :))

cm chap said...

Ha Ha.. Same pinch.. I was really thinking abt this crazy thing yesterday.

Yeah b ut that file is better...since u jst hv to rem one password.

Solitaire said...

That's technology!

Chakoli said...


you have been tagged dear:-))

Compassion Unlimitted said...

life full of pass words..what

Chakoli said...

so hw r u dear??
rocking as usual??:-))

Chakoli said...

Subh Prabhat:-))

Jaggu said...

Executed your tag.:)

Chakoli said...

kuch to naya is naye din ke liye??:-)))

Anonymous said...

lol.......dekha how unreliable this wrold is....we need password for evrything..hehe

aMus said...

my plight too...:)

ash89 said...

omg i go thru da same thing... n wen i go 2 da forgot password section... i cnt remember the alternate email i had provided :P :P

Chakoli said...


So hw r u today?

Aarthi said...

Hey Sandhya..a good one..He he he...:) I know this is a big headache..but no way to escape...:(

cm chap said...

Too busy?

Chakoli said...

sat sri akal madam jee:-))

Chakoli said...


good good morniong...
kuch to naya likho:-))